Our neighborhood library hosts various activities for kids almost every day of the week. They are saints to put up with chaos so often. Mondays, Sarah and I go to a dancing story time. Lots of dancing around and being silly with one or two stories thrown in the middle for good measure. Wednesday they have a story time where kids are supposed to sit on the ground and listen to 5-6 stories. Mostly what happens is wide eyed moms chase kids around or loudly hiss at their bundle of love to sit down as he or she gleefully stands in front of everyone, picks their nose and shouts a play by play of what is happening from their view to their parent at the back. Sarah and I especially love Wednesday story time because after, there is a CRAFT project. We're talking GLUE! SCISSORS! Paper, markers, crayons, sequins, pom pom balls, you name it. Each project varies. Well, as luck would have it, the project at the end of story reading several weeks ago called for large amounts of sequins and glue. The recipe for true happiness for many a child, including mine. By the time we finished, our project was loaded down with great lumps of glue, marker drawings, and various sizes of sequins (somewhat attached) to a superhero mask. Sarah and I were both thrilled by the end product and we proudly took it home where it would spend some time on the fridge before being moved to a box in the office to make room for the next creation to be honored on said fridge.
Several days later, Sarah found a dime sized red sequin from her super hero mask in the "big mom and dad bed." That particular morning Sarah had woken up and wanted to start her day slowly by hanging out with me in the big bed watching PBS kid shows. All was well until I suddenly felt Sarah putting something in my nose. I didn't know what she was putting in but my fight or flight instincts kicked in. My body was certain that the object being inserted into my nose was something that spelled d-a-n-g-e-r. I shrieked, "Sarah NOOO!" as she simultaneously finished shoving, what I now realized was the large sequin, all the way up my nose. I instantly started pushing air out of my nose as forcefully as I could. I reached in, I pushed from the side, nothing dislodged the sequin. And then, blood began to geyser from my nose. There was blood all over. I was lost in panic and Sarah was gleefully jumping on the bed, excited about the chaos she had caused. I ran to the bathroom and finally managed to snort the large, even more red now, sequin out of my poor bleeding nose. By then Sarah had simmered down a bit. I was able to stop the blood and then have a serious talk with my tiny child about how she is NOT to put anything up her nose or anyone else's nose. By this time it was 8:30am. ONLY 8:30??? And people think mom's (or SAHD's) just sit around with their cuddly, clean, angelic children all day singing Kumbaya. Real parents will snort and agree with me when I say, NOT.
As always, still love you S.
Oh my gosh that is soo funny haha i love it!! Im glad u are ok but that is just so funny, im sure she will not put stuff up anyones nose now!